This is a collection of random other stuff I’ve done which is outward-facing in some way.
Melbourne University Psychology Association (October 2024): Join Adam and Shroyo as they have an insightful conversation with Prof. Andy Perfors. Traverse through topics such as neurodivergence in academia and experiences in computational behavioural science! (link)
Because Language (December 2023): What is a woman? Or a man? Or a chair, or a sandwich? Or anything, really? “Gender critical” people are making language into a vector to attack the rights of trans people. They treat categories like man and woman as binary and obvious. But cognitive linguistics has a response, in the form of a new paper in Nature Human Behaviour. Are categories concrete, or are they mental, social, or something else? How do we categorise objects at all? Author Dr Andrew Perfors brings the science on this episode. (link)
University of Melbourne PsychLings (September 2022): Please enjoy an informative and heart-warming conversation with Andy: How stuffed animals can teach statistics; letting go of perfectionism; the power of emotional knowledge; life wisdom on dealing with identity, anxiety, and the unknown (link)
University of Melbourne PsychTalks (May 2022): Misinformation is being weaponised in the media and politics, and many fall down the conspiracy theory spiral. How do our brains predispose us to believe in misinformation and how is our current information environment – especially social media – aiding the spread of ‘fake news’? How should you approach conversations with people who buy into conspiracy theories? Host Lynne Malcolm is joined by Andrew Perfors (Associate Professor of Psychology at The University of Melbourne) and David Milner (editor and columnist at The Shot) for this episode. (link) (Pursuit)
University of Melbourne Contemplative Studies Centre Webinar (August 2023): Mindfulness and meditation can be transformative for many people, helpful for some, and potentially dangerous for others. This panel of experts and lived experience advocates explores the potential harms of mindfulness and meditation, how to get help, and how to navigate a safe approach to practice. I was the lived experience person. (link)
YouTube Channel: My YouTube channel doesn’t have much, but there are a few academic talks and also my “This is your life” talk that I gave to my hub, which is about my life’s journey (not just my research). (link)